

Because of its integration with Serum, Solanax can provide a robust trading experience similar to a centralized exchange (CEX). We think you'll like trading on Solanax if you've ever been frustrated by the lack of an order book, charting, or dependable limit orders on other DEXs.


We've still got you covered if you want a quick and easy "Swap" alternative! SolanaxSwap allows you to exchange any SPL token for another instantly.


Solanax'es liquidity is sourced from both its liquidity pools and the Serum order book, which all Serum users share. For Solanax traders, this implies higher liquidity and reduced slippage.

‌ When you make a trade or exchange on Solanax, you'll be charged 0.3% for the taker order and 0.2% for the maker.

‌ As a reward for liquidity suppliers, 0.4 percent are redeposited into the liquidity pool and acts as a reward for liquidity providers.

‌ 0.1 percent of the SOLD tokens are sent to the staking pool as a reward for individuals who stake their SOLD tokens.

Last updated

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